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International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts

Home > Search Events > List of Festivals > International Folklore Festival 'Takí sme!' (THIS IS US)

International Folklore Festival 'Takí sme!' (THIS IS US)


The international folklore festival Takí sme (This is us) is specific and unique in the
Nitra region. It is one of the festivals in Slovakia, which is organized under the
auspices and with status of CIOFF, which guarantees its high artistic level and
organizational quality.
Since 2016, the main partner of the event has been the Slovak Arts Council. Since
2008, the main organiser has been the Regional Education Centre in Levice
(hereinafter referred to as ROS). The director of the festival is Alžbeta Sádovská
and the programme director is David Hudec, ROS methodologist.
We firmly believe that culture is extremely important at regional level. It is one of
the most important pillars of our lives. It is in regional culture that we can see our
strength. Continuous efforts to improve the quality of the programme offer, an
increasing number of interesting and stimulating side events for all ages are
paying off in the increasing attendance at the festival. High-quality organization
and staffing, and extens


10.09 - 14.09.2025



Levice district
Regionálne osvetové stredisko v Leviciach, Mlynská ul. c. 3, 934 01 Levice
934 47 Levice  (See in )



00421 915797638



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