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International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts

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World Folk Review Integration


The World Folk Review INTEGRATION is an international festival organized since 2001 in Poznan in August. For 22 years, the festival has been visited annually by groups from all over the world and Poland, this giving the inhabitants of Wielkopolska the opportunity to learn about other cultures. Since 2001, INTEGRATIONS hosted 114 teams from 41 countries. The general concept of the festival is the assumption that folklore is a permanent element of our identity, and the organizers focus on direct contact with the audience. Therefore, in addition, the festival program includes dance workshops, national evenings and the International Tournament of Traditional Sports "Pierscieniówka". The events are available to all viewers, of all ages, which allows for direct experience of the proposed aspects of folklore. The folk groups invited by the organizers not only give concerts, but also integrate. We fill their free time by offering visits to tourist attractions in the area: showing the history and traditions of the region in the visited cities. The culminating point of the Festival is the final concert, organized each time against the backdrop of a different, unique and exceptional place in Wielkopolska region. This concert is unique. It combines the play of lights and sounds - the most interesting elements selected from the programs presented by the groups during the festival. Therefor, the World Folk Review INTEGRATION has been in the forefront of the best-rated festivals organized under the patronage of CIOFF in the world for a long time.

The Festival has been recognized as a CIOFF® International Festival


07.08 - 17.08.2025

Next dates:  06.08 - 16.08.2026



Krolowej Jadwigi 27/39
61-871  Poznan  (See in )



48-61-8355434  +48 504226408


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