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International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts

Home > Search Events > List of Festivals > International Children Folklore Meetings Lublin

International Children Folklore Meetings Lublin


International Folklore Meetings is a folk festival which was organized for the first time in 1984. It currently has its 37 edition and takes place under the auspices of CIOFF- International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts. Folk Song and Dance Ensemble Lublin is the organizer of IFM which will take place on July in Lublin , Poland.
Every year we have invited eight foreign ensembles. The festival is organized alternately , one year for adult groups, the next year for children’s groups and at present is the only festival in Poland that has this formula. Every year in the IFM program there are street parades, performances in Lublin and also folk bands concerts in the Lublin old town.
The main goals of IFM are: the protection of national heritage and cultivating folk tradition; artistic presentation of ensembles from different parts of the world; education in the field of dance and music , mutual learning and exchange of experiences and establishing friendly contacts and bonds between festival participants.

The Festival has been recognized as a CIOFF® Recognized International Festival.


09.07 - 13.07.2025



ul. Zolnierzy Niepodleglej 3
20-078  Lublin  (See in )



+48-81-532 7843  +48-81-532 4483


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