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International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts

Home > Search Events > List of Festivals > VELIKI PRESLAV Folklore festival “Petrovska kitka”

VELIKI PRESLAV Folklore festival “Petrovska kitka”


Veliki Preslav is famous not only for its rich history, traditions, beautiful and fertile land inhabited since ancient times but also with a vast folklore treasury bequeathed to us by our forefathers that stood the test of time and is now popularized and presented by the talented townsfolks.
To this day the magical might of folklore lives at this dreamlike, ancient and admirable place.
Folklore festival “Petrovska kitka” has a longstanding history that rests on traditions, love for folklore and adoration for the endless talent our homeland is rich with.
In the beginning the festival used to gather local folklore artists. Since 2010 the assembly caries its current name and as of 2018 it has a competitive nature.
Folklore festival “Petrovska kitka” is held annually at the end of June on the openair podium in the “Borova Gora” locality, Archeological reserve “Veliki Preslav”, under the patronage of the mayor of Veliki Preslav Municipality and has a competitive nature.
Folklore ensembles and groups from community centers, schools, affiliations and other nonprofessional amateur organizations can participate in the event.
Participants performance is evaluated by a jury which includes experts in the filed of folklore art. The jury consists of established specialists- choreographer, folklore singer and ethnographer.
Within the framework of the festival, we also have guest artisans who present their handcrafts.
The categories in the competitive program of folklore festival “Petrovska kitka” are:
• Folk singing- individual performance
• Folk singing- collectives
• Folklore dances- dance groups
• Re – creation of authentic customs
Contestants perform within the following age groups:
• First age group – up to 7 years
• Second age group – 8 to 12 years
• Third age group – 13 to 18 years
• Fourth age group – over 18 years
Age groups do not apply for customs re – creation groups because they are usually mixed and are a bright example of continuity in traditions.
There are two more contests apart from the main categories within the festival.
“Most bonny damsel and most spruce swain”, is our adventure for enthusiasts who want to take on a challenge of strength and swiftness in household skill and artistry.
Those who have something to show from their grandparent’s dower chest or from their personal collection can take part in the “Most authentic garb” competition which does not allow stylish or new garbs nor unproperly assembled – combining elements from different ethnographical regions.
Folklore festival “Petrovska kitka” is a peculiar northeastern center of our folk creativity – created by and for friends, performers, admirers and guardians of the wonder we call Bulgarian folklore.
The festival is organized by Veliki Preslav Municipality, Community Center “Razvitie 1874” – Veliki Preslav city and Archaeological Museum “Veliki Preslav”.
Our goal is to promote folklore in its most continuous form – such as it has been passed on through generations namely by the amateur performers and their acts.


27.06 - 28.06.2025

Next dates:  24.06 - 26.06.2026



Veliki Preslav
Veliki Preslav





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