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International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts

Home > Search Events > List of Festivals > International Folklor Festival ' Kozarsko kolo '

International Folklor Festival ' Kozarsko kolo '


The international folklore festival "Kozarsko kolo" has the mission of presenting the culture of visiting groups from all over the world to the citizens of Prijedor and the surrounding municipalities, but also to introduce the guests to the traditions of Kozare and Potkozarje. In addition to concerts where guests present themselves with their dance, music or singing programs, special attention is always paid to socially sensitive categories of society, such as children and the elderly. Also, as part of the festival, additional events are organized, such as round tables, conferences, exhibitions, evenings of traditional cuisine, daily performances, excursions and tours of historical, cultural, religious, economic and other sights.


25.06 - 01.07.2025

Next dates:  25.06 - 01.07.2026  / 25.06 - 01.07.2027


Bosnia and Herzegovina

Veliko Palancište bb
79101 Prijedor  (See in )



+387 65 536 579  +387 65 536 579


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