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International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts

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International Folk Meetings Malopolska


An International Folklore Festival is one of the means to safeguard, to promote and to diffuse traditional culture, mainly through such genres of expressions as music, dance, games, rituals, customs, know-how of handicraft and other arts. To be a significant contribution to the maintenance and enhancement of cultural identity and diversity, a folklore festival has to be implemented in an appropriate cultural context. Festival is supported by International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts (CIOFF).

Every year Festival take place in Myslenice (POLAND, Malopolska Region). The International Folk Meetings, Malopolska is a official event under the patronage of the Marshal of Malopolska Region. Participation in the festival is free of any charge for groups.

At an International Folk Meetings, Malopolska performers have primarily the place and role of artists. However, as participants of a cultural event, especially when it is implemented as a meeting place for cultures, they assume much broader cultural function.

The Festival has been recognized as a CIOFF® Recognized International Festival.


14.07 - 21.07.2025

Next dates:  13.07 - 20.07.2026



Myslenice, Kraków
ul. Rynek 8/9
32-400 Myslenice  (See in )



+4812 2721511  +4812 2721511  +48501193415


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