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International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts

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'Butinle in Stajare'-Incontro della cultura popolare europea - Buja


At the end of July of every year, the annual meeting of the international folklore meeting called ‘Butinle in Stajare 2019 - Meeting of European popular culture’ will take place in Buja (Ud). The Festival has obtained the advocacy by the Municipality of Buja, by the ‘Hills Community’ of Friuli and by the regional administration of Friuli Venezia Giulia. We recall that the birth of this event took place back in 1981, although in another form. Today's demonstration, resumed in 2007 after several years of suspension, is becoming increasingly important over the years, for our municipality and for those towns layed along the hills of the region, and the population looks forward to the presentation of the program every year, and above all waits to know the groups that the ‘Balarins’ will go to present. The groups, taking part into this event, are not part of any circuit, and are guests of the city of Buja and only here they perform to the public. This is acharacteristic of this event, which wants to be first of all a moment of encounter and exchange of European cultures of different character, meeting of people and interweaving of friendship relations between groups and people, not only showing the public music and dances from every part of Europe, but creating bridges and dialogues between people of culture, thought, religion, principles different from each other: this spirit of personal friendship pervades the evenings of the festival.
The cooperation with Cioff ® Italia gave us new possibilities for welcoming groups from various areas of Europe.
We want this occasion to become a central point of our activity, we want to bring to Buja from year to year, the groups known in the tours around Europe, which with us have had and have special cooperation and friendship relationships. We want to bring musicality and cultural experiences from all over Europe to Buja, making known uses, languages, traditions, of different countries for history, culture and folklore.
The event is usually held with a series of related activities and the program includes: an official reception of the participating groups and a visit to the museum of the medal and the city of Buja, and the presentation through a press conference of the event, the main evening of the event to be held at Piazza S. Stefano in front of the Municipality of Buja, moments of acquaintance and interaction between the groups to establish mutual relations of knowledge and integration; groups are usually invite to visit some places in our region, arriving in Ravascletto, on our wonderful mountains, where it will be held the final day of the event.


24.07 - 28.07.2025



via mons. Zanin 3
33030 Buja (UD)  (See in )



+39-348 407 8123


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