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International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts

Home > Search Events > List of Festivals > DOBRICH International Festival 'Folklore without borders'

DOBRICH International Festival 'Folklore without borders'


The Festival is a member of CIOFF Bulgaria.

The festival is a forum for singers, musicians, chamber orchestras, choirs, bands and ensembles, and is held annually in Dobrich and Albena Resort in the month of June.

Organizers: Dobrich Municipality, Romantic Travel Tourist Agency - Saint Petersburg, Russia, and Albena Resort. Credits also go to the Ministry of Culture - the National Centre for Music and Dance, the Union of Bulgarian Composers, and the Union of Bulgarian Performing Artists.

The international jury consists of outstanding specialists from Bulgaria, Russia, and Macedonia.

Founded in 2001 as a festival of the unique and eternal folk traditions, it aims at motivating young performing artists and preserving the traditions in today's globalization era.

Folklore Without Borders has two sides - it is a competition and a festive event.
The competition is for the singers and musicians, divided in three age groups between 10 and 35, and in eight categories. Up to now, over 1540 performing artists from Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, Macedonia, the USA, France, Australia, Russia, Tatarstan, Kalmikia, and Yakutia have participated in the festival-competition.


23.07 - 25.07.2025

Next dates:  29.07 - 31.07.2026  / 28.07 - 30.07.2027



Dobrich Municipality
12 Bulgaria str.
9300 Dobrich  (See in )



+359879401191  +359879401195


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