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International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts

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Internationales Beeke-Festival


For many years now “De Beekscheepers“ have committed themselves to the idea of preserving the traditional costumes, peasant dances and music of the area around Scheeßel.
At numerous national and international folk meetings in Europe, North America and New Zealand they have inspired their public by their program and their natural way of presentation.
The name of this folkloric group originates from the expression “Shepherds by the Beeke” (a stream which flows trough Scheeßel). This in lower German being “De Beekscheepers”. At the present time the club has 500 members, divided between the children, youth and adult groups (dancing groups) as well as the folklore orchestra “De Heidjer Dörpsmusikanten” and the singing Group “De Beek-Uln”.
Every two years “De Beekscheepers” organize an international folk festival. One of the main aims of it is to bring young people of many countries together in dance, music and song.
In 1977 “De Beekscheepers” received the European Award for Folk Art in recognition of their work.


16.07 - 20.07.2025

Next dates:  14.07 - 18.07.2027  / 2029



Postfach 1246
27383  Scheessel  (See in )





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